It’s not your fault – no means no!


JAAR is an independent and confidential service helping people to recover from the trauma of sexual violence.

We are here to prevent and heal the trauma of rape and sexual assault.

We have a dedicated helpline, website and on-site counselling with access to qualified and specially trained counsellors and psychotherapists.

JAAR is working to prevent the incidence of rape and sexual assault in Jersey by raising awareness, dispelling the myths surrounding rape and promoting progressive thinking towards survivors of rape and sexual assault.

“I was shocked to understand the lack of support available across Jersey for victims and survivors of sexual assault. JAAR provides invaluable support to those suffering, both at the point of crisis and beyond. Nobody should have to go through the trauma of sexual assault alone. I have been happy to support JAAR with a donation to continue their good work.”

– Survivor –

Our Impact


JAAR has delivered 4726 hours of specialised sexual trauma counselling to survivors, their friends and family members.


JAAR has helped 498 people to regain control of their lives and provided a counselling healing journey to start enjoying life again.

7 Days

JAAR operates a seven day a week helpline service for anyone wanting to access help or simply wanting to have a conversation. JAAR is here to listen and we believe you.


Dr Karen Kyd

“I have seen professionally the devasting impact of rape on its victims and families. The support of JAAR in the journey of those affected makes so much difference when people are at their most vulnerable. I am delighted to become Patron of this wonderful charity and to help this vital work which is very important to me.”

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One off donation

You can donate online via the form below. Thank you!

Donations can also be made by making a payment to the following Bank Account:

Bank Account Name: Jersey Action Against Rape

Bank Account No.: 68296468

Sort Code: 30-94-61


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