Help after rape & sexual assault


At JAAR we provide a FREE 1:2:1 counselling service to support anyone affected directly or indirectly by sexual trauma, or rape.

Our counselling sessions offer a safe, private, and confidential environment where survivors can share their experiences without fear of judgment. We take a trauma-informed approach, ensuring our fully qualified counsellors understand the complex impacts of trauma and approach each session with sensitivity, empathy, and respect for the survivor’s unique needs.

Counselling is a form of talking therapy that provides a supportive and non-judgmental space for individuals to explore their feelings and experiences. This process can help alleviate feelings of isolation and offer relief by enabling individuals to be heard and understood. Counselling aims to help survivors process their trauma, develop coping strategies, and rebuild resilience and self-empowerment.

If you require urgent help click below:

Young Person Counselling Services (Ages 16-18)

Counselling sessions are free to anyone aged 16 and above and are held on a weekly basis, for an hour each week, with a maximum of 12 sessions. However, as every case is individual some clients may need more or less than 12 sessions and this will be assessed by the Counsellor and Client .

Our young person counselling service is specifically designed for individuals aged 16-18 years. It can be accessed by registering online, contacting us via email or our helpline, or through referrals from other agencies. Young people can self-refer without the need for parental consent, and confidentiality is strictly maintained unless there is a safeguarding concern.

Counselling for young people provides a welcoming and flexible environment. Sessions are free, and we work with the same counsellor weekly to ensure consistency and trust. We offer various therapeutic practices tailored to individual needs, including different venue choices, sensory items, and creative materials to make the sessions as comfortable as possible.

Confidentiality Policy: Using our counselling service is strictly confidential. Information will only be shared under specific circumstances, such as serious risk to the young person’s safety, the safety of others, or when legally required. Counsellors will always discuss these situations with the young person to ensure they understand the process and implications.

How to Start Counselling: To begin, young people meet with a counsellor for an initial risk assessment to determine the appropriate support. Please note that if a young person is receiving therapy from another agency, they cannot start counselling with us due to ethical considerations.

Adult Counselling Services

Our adult counselling service is aimed at providing support and guidance for survivors of sexual assault and rape, whether the trauma is historic or recent. The counselling sessions are designed to empower survivors, validate their experiences, and help them navigate their healing process with autonomy and respect.

Counsellors provide education on trauma and coping strategies, including mindfulness techniques, grounding exercises, and stress management skills. The sessions may involve processing traumatic memories safely to reduce feelings of shame and guilt, helping survivors integrate their trauma into their broader life narrative.

Key Features of Adult Counselling:

Our adult counselling service provides short-term support, with sessions typically held weekly or fortnightly, depending on individual needs. Counselling at JAAR is a compassionate and holistic approach, offering survivors a path to healing and recovery in a supportive and understanding environment.

For more information or to start the counselling process, please visit our HELPLINE on 01534 482800 or contact us via our support email

Counselling Agency Hours

We are here to support you on your journey to wellness.

We offer 1-2-1 counselling at our premises (location provided at time of allocation to your Counsellor to ensure confidentiality to our clients)

Zoom counselling can be offered under exceptional circumstances.

Our counselling agency operates during the following hours:

Monday to Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

We understand the need for flexibility and can accommodate some evening appointments based on availability only.

Your well-being is our priority, and we’re committed to providing support that suits your needs. Feel free to reach out during our office working hours to inquire about our services.

Monday to Friday 9.00 am – 1.00 pm  

One off donation

You can donate online via the form below. Thank you!

Donations can also be made by making a payment to the following Bank Account:

Bank Account Name: Jersey Action Against Rape

Bank Account No.: 68296468

Sort Code: 30-94-61


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