CPD with JAAR. Training with renowned trauma specialist, Christiane Sanderson.

JAAR is committed to the continued professional development of our counsellors. If you are a professional working with survivors of sexual violence, we would like to invite you to join our upcoming training day with renowned trauma specialist, Christiane Sanderson.

Christiane is a counselling psychologist and consultant in domestic and sexual violence and Interpersonal abuse. She has many years clinical experience of working with survivors of child sexual abuse, domestic violence, and interpersonal trauma and is a recognised trainer in the voluntary and statutory sectors and psychotherapy training institutes. Christiane is the author of many publications on abuse including, The Warrior Within, The Spirit Within, and Responding to Survivors of child sexual abuse, a pocket guide for professionals, partners, families, and friends.

Course content: Sibling sexual abuse. The role of complex trauma/dissociation and shame/power threat meaning framework and trauma-informed practice. To include how to incorporate experiential techniques such as ‘The Russian Doll’.

Date: Saturday 20th May 2023

Time: 9.00am – 5.00pm

Venue:  Radisson Blu Hotel, Kempt Suite

Fee: £150 (Full day refreshments provided)

For further information and to book your place, please email kate@jaar.je.

One off donation

You can donate online via the form below. Thank you!

Donations can also be made by making a payment to the following Bank Account:

Bank Account Name: Jersey Action Against Rape

Bank Account No.: 68296468

Sort Code: 30-94-61


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